Een bordje fuchsia's / A plate of fuchsias

Dit bord met fuchsia's is, evenals de tegel, gemaakt door Mw. A. Oord uit Franeker, lid van de fuchsiavereniging, die behalve fuchsia's kweken ook het beschilderen van aardewerk als hobby heeft.
'Gerharda's Lucia' (1989) is van de Nederlandse veredelaar Herman de Graaff, die meer Gerharda's in zijn assortiment heeft, o.a. 'Gerharda's Aubergine'.

This plate with fuchsias was, just like the tile, made by Mrs. A. Oord from Franeker, a member of the fuchsia society, whose hobby isn't only growing fuchsias, but also painting pottery.
'Gerharda's Lucia' (1989) is a fuchsia of the Dutch hybridizer Herman de Graaff, who has more Gerhardas in his list (the most famous one being 'Gerharda's Aubergine' (1989), outside the Netherlands always wrongly referred to as only 'Aubergine').

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